110 years ago today, 29 March 1910, the Merthyr Express reported the opening of Merthyr’s latest great attraction, the Olympia Skating Rink, which had taken place on 19 March:
Roller-skating is attaining to great popularity in Merthyr. It was only in December last that the Central Rink, Wellington-street, was started. The proprietors found their enterprise successful, and also that the growing requirements of the public called for increased accommodation. Hence they embarked on a much larger undertaking, for which they took a site on Mr, Thomas’s land, Park-place, and entered into a contract with Messrs. Cross and Grose, Ltd., Walsall, for the erection thereon of a capacious rink — the Olympia — with approach opposite the Penydarren promenade, the spot being on the Merthyr and Dowlais electric tramway route, and easily accessible to visitors.
The new buildings, which has a length of 208ft., and an average width of about 70ft, rose as if by magic, the contractors being experts in such affairs, and having contracted rinks and floors at Dudley, Wolverhampton, Bath, Leamington, Walsall, Colchester, etc. The outside manager for the firm was Mr. J. James, a gentleman of twenty-three years’ experience, and who may be congratulated upon the admirable way in which he carried out his duties. The election of the new rink, with its extensive hard rock maple floor (so constructed as to reduce sound to a minimum), its accessories and fittings, offices, refreshment buffet and lounges, orchestral gallery, was completed in sixteen days — which constitutes a record for rapidity. — The concrete foundation had been previously prepared by Messrs. Warlow and Warlow, Merthyr.
Special attention has been given to the electric lighting, thirty pedants being distributed throughout the Rink by the Merthyr Electric Traction Company; and the decorative effects, which have been carried out by Mr. F. P. Dymond, Cardiff, are very pleasing. The Rink may, therefore, be regarded as not only one of the largest, but most attractive in Wales. The enterprising directors have catered lavishly in all respects for the entertainment and comfort of the public, and take every care to conduct the four sessions which are held daily, with the utmost regard for decorum and good order. The experienced attendants are civil and obliging, and the instructors are of the very best.

The opening ceremony on Saturday afternoon was an encouraging success. It was known that the Mayor (Councillor F. T. James) would inaugurate the proceedings, and the crowd of people attending from Merthyr, Aberdare, and surrounding districts was very large. The Mayor, who was accompanied by the Mayoress (Mrs. F. T. James) and the Misses James, was received, upon entering the building, by the Chairman S. Phillips), and conducted to the dais, which had been erected for the occasion on the rink floor beneath the orchestral gallery. There was a very representative gathering. The first item in the programme was a well-played march by Mr. Cunningham’s military band.
The Chairman then rose to address the assemblage. He referred to the aims and accomplishments of the directors, and offered a hearty welcome to all present. He especially recognised the kindness of the Mayor and Mayoress in attending upon that interesting occasion, and mentioned that the new rink in which they had met possessed a skating capacity of £10,000 square feet, which was ten times greater than the floor space of their first venture, the Central Rink, and that the electric light equalled; 6,000 candle-power. He then invited the Mayor to perform the opening ceremony.
The Mayor, who was accorded a cordial reception, said that whatever might be said of rinking, one was bound to acknowledge that it was an exceedingly good exercise and a source of enjoyment to those who were young and active enough to engage in the healthful pastime. He had much pleasure in declaring Olympia Rink open for the purposes to which it was devoted (cheers).
The Band played the National Anthem, and at this point, Miss Peggy Lewis (daughter of Mrs. Henry Lewis) skated up gracefully to the dais, and in a pretty speech handed, as from the directors, a large and beautiful bouquet to the Mayoress, who bowed and briefly expressed her sense of the compliment.
A photograph of the opening ceremony was taken by Mr Charles Harris. Mr. John Plows referred to the interest which the Mayor had always taken in the affairs of the town and district, and to his public-spirited conduct on all occasions, and moved that a hearty vote of thanks be given him for the part that be had so ably taken in the proceedings.
Councillor F. S. Simons seconded the proposition, which was carried with enthusiasm. — This was acknowledged by His Worship, and Mr. Cunningham’s Band performed another attractive selection.
An elaborate exhibition of expert skating, with musical accompaniments, was given by the instructor (Mr. Frank K. Deverall), Mr. Johns, and the instructress (Miss Wilkes). It may be mentioned that Mr. Deverall comes from the County Rink, Surbiton, and was previously associated for some years with Mr. J. F. Davidson, the champion skater of the world; and that Mr. Johns, whose capabilities are also of the highest order, is from Widnes, Lancashire. Miss Wilkes, whose style is very; elegant and graceful, comes from Folkestone. Hundreds of visitors put on skates, and there was high carnival during the afternoon. During the evening also, there was a very large attendance, and the proceedings were marked throughout with great success.
– Merthyr Express 26 March 1910